
Purple Nectar '16: Advanced Netcentric System

November 23, 2016

On November 9th the IN4STARS project, funded by the European Defence Agency, was demonstrated at the Purple Nectar 2016 event. This is an annual event organized by the Dutch MoD to showcase innovative technologies that support situation awareness and strategical/tactical decision making. Thales coordinated the IN4STARS project and demonstrated the IN4STARS solution together with consortium partners. 

The main focus of the project was to gather and combine information that comes from various information stovepipes and make that information inter-operable. Gregor Pavlin, a researcher at Thales Delft, was the project leader. Gregor:”We have shown an advanced netcentric solution, including Thales products. The demonstration scenario involved Squire radars and the SOTAS vehicle communication system. In military peace keeping mission you want to combine all the available information to get enhanced situation awareness. If you combine all the information, you can reach continuous intelligence about potential threats.”  IN4STARS resulted in a plug-and-play platform for collaborative processes with information provided to the right person at the right time. Ultimately the solution will lead to improved situation awareness and more safety in the field.