
"Proud to be sponsoring Future's Day at Farnborough's International Airshow"

July 15, 2016

A Thales robot-movie, spotting Pokémon and the new high-speed network connections of our HTSP. Sciencefiction? Not at all! We're presenting some of our Twitter, Facebook en LinkedIn messages as ultimate proof. Welcome to the future!

Thales Nederland speelt Pokémon Go

Pokémon everywhere! Wil je echt professioneel Pokémon vangen? Gebruik dan een Thales Squire radar. Deze ziet echt alles!

Facebook, July 14 2016

Thales is proud to be sponsoring Future's Day at Farnborough's International Airshow.

The event aims to encourgaes our younger generation to get involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Come and visit the Thales Futures Day stand in Hall 3; open from Friday 15 July until Sunday 17 July 2016.

LinkedIn, July 15 2016

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