It's officially #summer!
What happened on social media the past two weeks? We've made you a summary.
Together, we challenging stereotypes!
It's officially summer!
Thales participates in the JV Summer Challenge
Airport security, by Thales
Thales supports the UT Entrepreneurial Challenge

The UT Entrepreneurial Challenge is a competition organized by University of Twente for all her students. Thales congratulates all the winners of the UT Challenge! After months of hard working, coaching, speeddates and workshops, you impressed us today during the final.
Thales is glad to be a part of these innovative initiatives!
PortXL - World Port Accelerator
During the Shakedown of Portxl - World Port Accelerator, 15 contracts have been signed between Dutch maritime leaders and PortXL startups/scaleups. Thales was a part of the corporate partner group of this acceleration programme.

In the (Dutch) news: Cyber tuesday, Thales about cybersecurity
We gaan van een geïndustrialiseerde wereld naar een wereld waarin gebruik van data ‘key’ is. René van Buuren
Volgens René van Buuren, directeur Cybersecurity van Thales Nederland, zitten we midden in de digitale transformatie. De grootschalige IT-applicaties bepalen straks hoe concurrerend bedrijven zijn en hoe veilig landen zijn. Lees een gedeelte van het interview op de website van ProcessControl.

Graduation project #drones. Only within Thales!
Hightech Training Solutions by Thales
The Thales Defence Cloud
Welcome home, Karel Doorman!
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