
Naval Robocode event 2018; A big succes!

January 25, 2018

The successful Naval Robocode Event took place on Wednesday 24 January. Almost 30 colleagues compete in a battle with self-programmed virtual ships.

Choose your own ship

After a short introduction in which the eight teams could meet each other, we first ate together. After that, our trainee who has worked on Naval Robocode in recent months has given an introduction about the extra functions he has made. It is now possible to choose a type of ship (for example large with many slots for weapons / radars but very slow, or small and fast, but with few slots for weapons / radars). In addition, a Blockly version of Robocode has been introduced. With Blockly you can visually program the behavior, so if you can not program, you can also participate! So there were not only software engineers present, but also hardware engineers.

Round 1; Build!

In the first round, the eight teams have been hard at work to build the first version of their ship. After an hour the alarm went off and the first rounds / battles were held in the virtual area. There was a lot of laughter and attention and grumbling at seeing the behavior of the ships in the arena. After the first round, all teams had 45 minutes to improve their ship and there was a lot of discussion and coding. The temperature in the development room had already risen considerably!

Round 2; The end battle

For the second and all-deciding round everyone went to the Thales Experience and we held the final battle on the big screen. It was very exciting, the ships behaved considerably better! Slowly it became clear who became the winner. After ten rounds, the winner was: Ship "DragonBoatZ" from team "AznGirlPower", or Riccardo Sirchia, Gerjan Dokter and Jasper Gielen!

It was a super nice and beautiful evening! Thanks to everyone who participated. Till we meet again!

Watch the video below in which Jan Egbert Hamming explains exactly what makes Naval Robocode so much fun!