
Watch ‘The Great Defence Debate’ with our CEO Gerben Edelijn live this Saturday!

February 25, 2021

Our CEO Gerben Edelijn will join ‘The Great Defence Debate’ (Het Grote Defensiedebat – held in Dutch) live on Saturday morning! An important event in the run-up to March 17: what is there to choose in the field of Defense? Follow the debate live online this Saturday at 10.30 am!

Which political parties will take the best care of our defence? Will that 2 percent (the agreement within NATO to spend two percent of the gross domestic product on Defense in 2024) for defense be granted, and what should the money be spent on? How will robotization change the armed forces? How could European countries cooperate in purchasing equipment? What is happening in the field of cybersecurity, and in terms of collaboration with the industry? And will the Europe-United States relationship change a lot after the departure of President Donald Trump?

These questions and more will be discussed during the Great Defense Debate that the magazine EW is holding on Saturday morning, 27 February, in preparation for the elections for our House of Representatives. Speakers include the nation's highest-ranking military officer, Rob Bauer, Chief of Defense, and our own CEO: Gerben Edelijn!

The kick-off will be provided by Franka Wigman (Military work student Defensity College) and Hein Olthof (Co-Founder T-Minus Engineering), followed by the speeches of Rob and Gerben. After that, four members of the House of Representatives, Salima Belhaj (D66), Martijn van Helvert (CDA), Attje Kuiken (PvdA) and Peter Valstar (VVD), will discuss matters such as Gerben's speech, European collaborations and the spending of the 2 percent agreed in NATO.

Join us in watching the debate, and use this link on Saturday to access the livestream!