
Germany-Netherlands Industry Day

February 04, 2021

‘A good neighbor is worth more than a distant friend.’ To celebrate the close relationship between Germany and the Netherlands we participated in the Germany/Netherlands Industry Day! Dutch and German Thales colleagues went ‘speed dating’ with small and medium size enterprises. Our mutual goal is to strengthen our ties even more and work together closely on a wide range of security and defense projects.

Germany-Netherlands military cooperation is a leading example in Europe. This strong bilateral relationship has taken shape over the course of several decades. The Defense and Security Industry of both countries is also closely involved in the development and/or production of material purchased by Germany and the Netherlands. Thales Germany and Thales Nederland have always played a key role in this international cooperation in the naval domain.

In order to strengthen these ties, the NIDV and its German counterpart BDSV organized a Germany-Netherlands Industry day. During this day both Defense State Secretaries and the National Armaments Directors presented their view on the Germany-Netherlands cooperation. This was followed by round table sessions in which Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs, MKB) could connect with large OEMs. Thales, as one of these large OEMs, was represented by Axel Leicht from Thales Deutschland and Erik van Kimmenaede from Thales Nederland.