
Export Controls knowledge and experience to the market

August 21, 2018

We export nearly 80% of our products and technology. Most of these products and technology are subject to strict export laws and regulations. In order to ensure that we follow these rules flawlessly, we have our own 'Export Control Team' within Thales Nederland. Three experts from this team can now also be hired by other companies. A collaboration with consultancy Philip Sidney makes this possible.

'Our Export Control team is unique in the Netherlands'

Louis Sambros, Export Control Director at Thales Nederland, is one of the experts who can be hired on a project basis by another company. 'Thales in the Netherlands applies for most of the licenses for the export of military strategic products. We are, together with one other company in the Netherlands, certified by the government as well. This certificate eases the way in which suppliers can deliver their military commodities to Thales Nederland. Our team is specialized and experienced in the field of export laws and regulations and because of the complexity of the business in which Thales operates unique in the Netherlands'.

Companies can hire the experts on a project basis

Other companies noticed how unique the Export Control team is. This became clear by the many inquiries the team received. "There were more and more." says Louis. 'Especially now with the American F-35 program (Joint Strike Fighter) where US export laws and regulations are applicable. In order to work on the F-35 program, companies must have a solid "Export Compliance Management System (ECMS)". Furthermore, Thales Nederland recognizes the importance of knowledge sharing within the Netherlands. And although we would like to share our knowledge, we wanted to arrange this properly. That is why Thales sought collaboration with consultancy firm Philip Sidney, based in Amsterdam and Paris.

The cooperation offers benefits to all parties

Thanks to the collaboration, the Export Control team can focus on their assignments and Thales does not have to worry about the hiring part. Philip Sidney arranges all matters concerning hiring. In addition, we both have a large network. Herman Annink, managing partner at Philip Sidney, is pleased to be able to expand the team with the three experts from Thales. The collaboration also means that Philip Sidney can offer support to Thales Nederland.Customers of Philip Sidney want explanations about the laws and regulations and practical hands-on support. In addition to the permanent staff with broad experience and background in various sectors, the Thales Export Control team is now available. In this way everyone will benefit from this cooperation.

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